
Friday 16 November 2018

Author Study

LI: To learn about Dr Suess.
This week as a class we did Author Study on Dr Suess. The first thing I had to do was a make a copy of this Author Study and we had to search up main informations about Dr Suess using Keywords to search it up, Also we had to attribute the images for the 4 boxes. After I did that I had to look up some of the informations and the map to where he was born. Later on I had to look for 4 photos to put in the 4 boxes and attrubute the images I found that had to be attributed. I learnt how to look up information about Dr Suess by using Keywords to search up the main informations I need. How I learnt was to use Keywords to search up the information that I need to put on my DLO.

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