
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

10 words to describe Paula

This week for reading we had to do a different activity but with the same book. This week I descied to do 10 words to describe Paula and 10 words that I don't know from the book and look up the definitions for 5 words. The first thing I had to do was 10 words to describe Paula then I did the 10 words I didn't know from the book and I had to look up the definitions for the 5 words I didn't know from the book.Also this was  part of the follow up tasks that I wanted to do because on the follow up sheet. I learnt how to do one of the follow up tasks and the task was 10 words to describe the character and find 10 words in the book and you don't know and look up 5 definitions of those 5 words. 

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