
Monday, 24 February 2020

Kiwi Can

Today we got another Kiwi Can lesson with Mrs Grace and Mr C Manu. First we came in and greeted them and then started with our energizer. The first game we played was the push up challenge. How to play we you get a buddy, after that you have a cone in the middle of you and your partner and someone tells you the magic word and if they don't say the magic word and you still touch the cone your out of the game and need to do a push up. We played a few rounds of that game and then sat down and talked about giving it a go and sharing your experience. After talking about giving it ago we played a game called 1v1 and you got a partner and the teacher will say do a dramatic crying for example or some type of action and when you turn around to your partner you show them by giving it a go. We played a few rounds then did the end of the road GKQ. GKQ is when the teacher asks questions and you have to answer quicker than the other person, and the team that won was the boys and sadly the girls lost, but we enjoyed playing that game.

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