This week I had to do one of the Can Do's and I had to do Basic Facts boxes and the boxes I did was 5, 6, and 7 because I haven't been doing a blog post about the basic fact boxes so that's why I did 5, 6, and 7, but the ones I did was Addition and Subtraction for 5, 6, and 7 for the boxes I had to do that was left for the past few weeks that I had to do. So then this week I had to do boxes 5, 6, and 7 so that I could do a blog post about it. I learnt how to finish of all the boxes I haven't been doing for the past few weeks.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tofa.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
This week for a different task for the summer learning journey. We had to solve how much water that the cactus drink 3ml a day and we had to solve the answer for the problem. So I searched up the answer on google for 3ml and I times it by 3 and I think the answer it 900ml a year for cactus drinking water every year. What I did was searched up how many days in a year and it told me how much it was then I multiply a number and it was 300 times 3 and I got the answer 900 and I think the answer is 900ml or it can be a different answer but atleast I tryed to figure out the answer. I learnt how to make a screenshot of the cactus image and then solve the problem of 3ml water they drink every year and day.
Summer Learning Journey
Nelson Mandela
LI: To learn about peaceful protesters.
This week for LS1's inquiry we have been learning about protesters. The Protester that my group picked is Nelson Mandela. I chose Nelson Mandela because he made equal rights for the black africans. I worked on this with Fau and Sulia. We had to do it in front of the class to present what activist we did and we were doing research on Nelson Mandela. It was scary at first but then I got confident to speak to the whole class because we were number 12. Fau , Sulia and I we ahd to go on his biography and read some information about Nelson Mandea and find out some information so that we could put it on our slide also we had to make a quiz about Nelson Mandela and see who gets it correct or incorrect, also we had to get more information about Nelson Mandela, also how he became a peaceful protester. I learnt how to make a google slide share it to the people that was in my group and research and read information about Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela,
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
SSR Selfie
This week I did SSR Selfie for one of the Daily 6 Activites. The book that I was reading was Holly and the Skyboard. FIrst I had to get a book and read it for 15 minutes. After that I had to do a summraise about the book that I was reading. I enjoyed reading the book Holly and the Skyboard. After I did the summeraise about Holly and the Skyboard I had to do a blog post about what I did for SSR Selfie, and I had to blog the DLO about the book that I did for 15 minutes. After that I had to do a blog post about SSR Selfie and how I did the summeriase about SSR Selfie. Also the book that I was reading is about a girl who wanted a super duper skate for her birthday and she got it from Mr Windrush, and he made that super-duper skyboard for Holly's birthday. I learnt how to read a book for 15 minutes and do a summeraise about the book that I was reading and the book was called Holly and the Skyboard.
Daily 6,
SSR Selfie
Forest Life
This week I did that last task and the last task was if I wanted to visit the Tane Mahuta in Northland and we had to write down if we wanted to go visit there or not and we had to explain that. Why I don't wanna go there is that it's far away and its at North land at the Waipouna forest in Northland that's why I don't wanna go that far just to visit the tree but one day I might. Why I wanna go there beacsue it sounds intereasting and that it looks so cool and that I wanna go there but its just a bit too far to drive to Northland or go on a plane just to visit that tree, also to me it looks very important to New Zealand and that everyone wants to visit it but they can't because its far away. After I did that I had to do a blog post about the Tane Mahuta. I learnt how to make a blog post about the Tane Mahuta in Northland and explain why I wanna go there and why I don't wanna go there.
Forest Life,
Summer Learning Journey
Fabulous Ferns
This week I did a different summer learning journey, and the task I did was the Fabulous ferns. What I had to do was get 3 images that has the word fern. The images I choose was a image is silver ferns with different uniforms and the images I got was rugby silver ferns, Netball silvers ferns and a different image with silver fern uniform. After I got the images on my blog I had to type under the image why I like it. What I typed was the black ferns have cool designs and I wished our uniform was like that too also other things I said about how they look with it. Later On I had to put it on my blogger and make a blog post about it, and why they look so nice also it was a word that had fern in it and the images I got was black ferns, white ferns, and the football ferns, those are the images I got that had the word fern in it. I learnt how to get 3 images of different silver ferns uniform and type why I liked that uniform.

I like the black ferns because how cool their designs look so cool and how they are called the black ferns. Also that they are a team and they have the same uniform that they have to wear, also the name because they are called the black ferns.

I like the black ferns because how cool their designs look so cool and how they are called the black ferns. Also that they are a team and they have the same uniform that they have to wear, also the name because they are called the black ferns.

Silver Ferns,
Summer Learning Journey
digital footprint
The other tasks I had to do was digital footprint, another task for the Summer Learning Journey. The task that I was doing this week was digital footprint. I had to make a google draw and write down What do you do to stay smart online. The first thing I had to do was a google drawing and get the digital footprint screenshot onto it and get a text box and write down What do you do to stay smart online. I only wrote down 3 informations about how you can stay smart online. After I did that I had to do a blog post about what do you do to stay smart online. How I did this is I had to get a text box and I only wanted to do 3 things that you can do to stay safe online. I learnt how to make a google draw and put in the screenshot of the digital footprint and put in a text box about WHat do you do to stay smart online and I only wrote down three informations about
digital footprint,
Summer Learning Journey
Monday, 17 December 2018
HomeTown | Auckland

LI: To think about your hometown and describe it using adjectives to describe about your hometown.
This week I had to finish a different activity and the one that I did was hometown I had to describe my hometown using adjectives. Adjectives I know that can describe my hometown is, beautiful, kind, Calm, wonderful, worried, helpful, changes, creative, angry. Those are all the words that descibes my hometown- Auckland, the words that are descibing my home town because those adjectives always happen in my home town - Auckland. The words that I used describe my home town because these words are always describing how everyday is like. I learnt how to put the image onto my blogger and make a new post and get adjectives to describe my home town- Auckland.
In the beginning
LI: To get 3 top facts about New Zealand.
This week we started doing the Summer Learning Journey and the task we had to do this week was in the beginning the legend of New Zealand. The Summer Learning Journey teaches you to keep doing work and it helps children with there learning in the holidays before coming back to school, also it does work that you do at school but different. Today I did the first activity and we had to go onto this website and choose 3 top facts about New Zealand. I learnt how to get 3 top facts from the website we had to get it from and write a blog post about what I had to do.
1. The Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high.
2. The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.
3. Gisborne is the first city in the world to the sunrise because it is 496.3 kilometers away from the international date line.
This week we started doing the Summer Learning Journey and the task we had to do this week was in the beginning the legend of New Zealand. The Summer Learning Journey teaches you to keep doing work and it helps children with there learning in the holidays before coming back to school, also it does work that you do at school but different. Today I did the first activity and we had to go onto this website and choose 3 top facts about New Zealand. I learnt how to get 3 top facts from the website we had to get it from and write a blog post about what I had to do.
1. The Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high.
2. The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.
3. Gisborne is the first city in the world to the sunrise because it is 496.3 kilometers away from the international date line.

In the beginning,
Summer Learning Journey
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
This week for Maori we had to listen to Maori chirstmas songs that Mrs fire odie told us to listen to tune and put our hands up if we know what the tune was, after listening to the tunes we had to practise this christmas song and it was a easy song Mrs fire Odie told us to do. After that Mrs fire Odie shared shared us a google doc of Maori names that we had to search up the known name of it. Mrs fire Odie put the words on the left side of the boxes and the middle box and the right box we had to search up the Maori names to find what are the known names we had to put in, the websites we had to use was google maps, Maori dictionary, and google search to search up the word we need to do. Later on we had to come down to the mat and listen to what Mrs fire Odie said to us, and what she said was she said all of the right answers and we had to put it in our text boxes, after she told us all the answers.
Mix and Match
Fun Week
This week for Kiwi Can we had to get into 4 groups and listen to what Mrs Peel and Miss Paige, and today was fun week. We had to listen to what Mrs Peel and Mrs Paige says to us.The first thing we started with was recap on the catch pharse and the catch phrase we had to praciste the catch pharse with Mrs Peel and Mrs Paige who did the last catch pharse. We prasctied it two for each catch pharse we did and Mrs Peel and Miss Paige can only do the actions and we can only say it and do the actions, The first one we had to do was Kiwi Can goes Kiwi Can says take pride for who you are Respect the school and your go far, the next one was Kiwi Can says come in unity for our communtiy, the last one was Kiwi Can says respect our waters air and trees keep it tidy and keep it clean.
After we did that we had to get into circle and Mrs Peel said you have to say what was fun when you were here in Kiwi Can. Everyone one went and when it was my turn I said I enjoyed Kiwi Can because we play fun activites and enerzijerz we play.After that we got back in the circle and everyone had to vote what game they wanted to play. The first game we played was 10 second tag and how you play is someone is in and they have to get as many people in 10 seconds. It was fun playing 10 second tag and the winner for that game was Akuhata. Then after that we went outside to play invisble touch and octupus. The game we played first was invisble touch then after we play octupus and we had to rounds of playing octopus.
Sequence of Events
This week for reading I had to do a blog post about a different follow up task and the task was Sequence of Events. On the slide everyweek when I read Deep Water Danger I had to read a small bit of the book and then write down what happens in each chapter. The first part I had to do was I had to make a copy of the DLO then I had to put the chapters of the book that I was reading and it was Deep Water Danger. After I did that everyweek when I read the book I had to write down small parts of what I read in the book Deep Water Danger, we had to complete this before we had to do the other tasks we need to do a blog post on. I learnt how to make a copy of this DLO and write down small parts that happend in the events.
Follow up tasks,
Sequence of Events
Story Web
This week for reading we had to blog all of our follow up tasks that we didn't blog in the past few weeks. We had to work alone to do this because we were reading different books but the students who were reading the same book as I was reading was Angelica and Liletina we were reading the same book and I did. The first thing I did to get the story web is I had to make a copy of it and then do the title of the book and a new title after I did that I wrote down the events in the text boxes then figured out the problem then did the orientation. After I did that I did the ending and the resolution last because it's the hard part. I learnt how to make a copy of the story web DLO and then wrote down the information that I need to be in it.
Follow up tasks,
Story web
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Newspaper article
This week for reading I had to do a different blog post and the DLO I did was the news paper acrticle and on that newspaper article there's 3 events and you have to take 6 photo's for each square I had to write events for the 3 boxes that need events in it. After I did that I had to proof read my events that I did to check if there's any mistake in the events so that it does make sense also if I took the photos of the book probly. The first thing I did was write the events in the text boxes and then took photos of the images that was in the book. I learnt how to make a copy of the news paper DLO and wrote down the events in the text boxes also take photos of the six images that I need for the 6 image boxes that need to be filled.
Follow up tasks,
Newspaper article,
Character Web
This week for reading I had to do a different follow up task and the one I did was Character web. What I had to do was make a copy of the google drawing and add the image of the character that I was doing then I had to write down his feelings, Acts Like, Looks, and Personality and had to write down something in the boxes then I had to make a blog post of what I did. For some of the text boxes I wanted to write short sentences and I did then I just wrote words for feelings and Looks then I showed Mr O what I need to change then I made a blog post about it.
Character Web,
Follow up tasks,
5 senses
This Week I had to do a different follow up task and the follow up tasks I did was using the 5 senses to describe the setting. The first thing I had to do was make a google drawing grab a text box and write down sentences using the 5 sences that are look, touch, taste, hear, and smell. The sentences I did was sentences that describe what's happening at the setting using the 5 sences to describe the setting well I was describing the setting I was imagine about it and then starting writing down sentences from my imagination well I was thinking also I was typing on my DLO at the same time. After I did that I put the link to my DLO where I put my other follow up tasks on then I had to do a blog post about it. The book that I've been reading had two stories in it and one book and the two stories I was reading was Deep Water Danger and Stranger in the bay. I learnt how to make a google drawing and write down some sentences using the 5 sences to describe the setting that Barry and Matt is at. How I learnt was to imagine if I was at the setting where Barry and Matt was.
5 senses,
Follow up tasks,
Friday, 7 December 2018
Nelson Mandela
This week for inquiry we had to make a google slide about activest and the person that my group was doing was Nelson Mandela. We had to look up information about Nelson Mandela on the website called biography and we used that website to read some information about Nelson Mandela. Why we did the google doc was because we had to write down notes about Nelson Mandela before putting the informations just on the slide. Also we had to work in partners and my partner was Fau & Sulia we all worked together to research inforamation about Nelson Mandela also we had to read information because some of those information we look at because some of the information we put on the google doc might be the wrong answers. The goodest website I went on and read some information was biography I went onto that website and did Nelson Mandela and it came up with videos and information I had to read then make it in my own sentences on the notes google document. Also there's a link to the google slide about Nelson Mandela and the other link is to the notes we wrote down.
Google slide & Notes
Google slide & Notes
Nelson Mandela,
LI: To identify verb tenses.
LI: To identify the verb tenses: Perfect Present, Perfect Past, Perfect Furture.
This week for writing we had to make a DLO about Tense Verbs. On the DLO we made 21 slides for the 20 verbs that we didn't do last week. On the slides we had to do 7 videos and the rest had to be photo's of the verb that were doing. We had to get into partners and my partner was Bella and Fau we worked together to list down the 20 verbs and inflect them in the perfect tense we were doing this week for what we were doing for writing. The first thing Fau, Bella & I did was the 7 videos then we showed Mr Wong and he looked at some of the 7 videos we did and said we could blog it and we only took one picture for one of the verbs and one of the verbs were Laugh and Fau took a photo of her laughing at some joke we said to her. We had to inflect the verbs to Perfect Present, Perfect Furture and Perfect Past. Perfect Present has have been and the verb, Perfect Furture has will have been and the last one Perfect Past and in Perfect Past is had been and the verb that your doing. Perfect Tenses are when you contine to do something until that sertine point. I learnt how to make a DLO and share it to Bella and Fau so that we could work as a group for the 20 verbs we did. How I learnt was to list down 20 verbs onto each well Fau inflects them and were on a different slide doing the sentence for each verb we did.
Follow up tasks
LI: To finish all the follow up tasks. Follow up tasks
This week for reading we had to finish all our follow up tasks. First thing that we had to do was go on the links and see if it was right then we had to finish the ones that we didn't finished and put the link on and go show the teacher for some feedback on our work and help we need. The two things I had to finish was the story web and the news paper. The first thing I had to finish of first was the news paper one because 6 images that had to be taken and 3 story boxes I had to write the events that happened in the story that I was reading and the story was Deep water danger I had to read all the chapter before doing the other work. After I did the newspaper one I did the story web and on the story web there was 4 events and I wrote the events down then I did the ending then did the resoultion when I solve the problem in the book. All these weeks I had fun reading chapters and doing tasks using the books and putting links onto it, also the book that I was reading had two stories in it and one book and the stories were Stranger in the Bay and Deep Water Danger in the book it looks like its talking about the same but different problems and characters for each story. I learnt how to finish all my follow up tasks and show the teacher that I finished also the things that I only had to finish was the Story web and news paper because it was the hardest to get finished. How I learnt was to finish all my tasks that are not finished also had to blog the whole google drawing with all the links to every task I did for a reading must do that I blog.
Follow up tasks,
Thursday, 6 December 2018
This week for Maori we listened to five Maori Christmas songs that Mrs Odie played. After listening to the songs Mrs Odie shared us a DLO to do, the DLO was a google doc with Maori words and the defenations on right side and the Maori words, but the first thing we had to do was make a copy of the google doc and copy and paste the Maori words onto the left side of the page next to what you think it is. What we had to do with the Maori words we had to put the Maori words on the left side to the defenations than mean the Maori word. After we did that we had to come back and sit down on the ground and Mrs Odie told us all the answers to it and then we had to do a blog post about the DLO that we did. I learnt how to make a copy of the google doc and put the Maori words on the left side in the boxes in belongs in. How I learnt was to put the Maori words on the left and the meanings on the right side and how I learnt was to learn the Maori words and meanings of it.
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