
Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Rhythm Interactive's Visit To PBS

Related image

Today we had a fun drumming session with Johnny from Rhythm Interactive's. We learnt some fun drumming and some words that Johnny was saying. The theme that we had for drumming was together we can make a change. The whole school did drumming in the hall with Johnny, While LS2 were helping the juniors with what they were doing. My partner that I was helping was Darius, I helped him do his drumming. Then Johnny was talking to us about drumming and what he does in the life of being a drummer. Johnny was telling us lots of information about drumming, one of the things he was telling us what if you can say it you can drum it. We listened to what Johnny said to us and we had to follow the drum beats that Johnny was doing, while we were doing that we also had to help out the junior students. The drums that we were using was a djembe, the drums were from Africa. He asked us what were these instruments and he would give five drums to our school. We got all the answers right and Johnny end up giving us seven drums to put into the music room. I liked the drumming because we were all having fun drumming it and listening to what Johnny was saying to us, also I liked helping out the juniors with what they did. Click here to go their website.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Kiwi Can

On Wednesday we had Kiwi Can with Mrs Mac. We had to sit down and listen to the instructions that Mrs Mac was saying to us. Then we got into our enerjizer, the game we played was get into pairs. After we did that one of your partners had to be blindfold and we had to rely on our partners because we were blindfold. Then we had another round with the person in the back has to open their eyes, my partner for this game was Sakina. After that we sat back down and listened to Mrs Mac telling us what was the hardest part of the game. The hardest part was when everyone was blindfold and they never knew who they were looking for, and the easy part was when we had our eyes open and we could see where we were going. Then we sat back down and talk about relying on you or your partner. After that we got into our activity the activity was when you get a partner and you hold each others hand and try and balance while your going up, down, or side ways. My partner was Ellenora we did good, but we were having fun at the same time.

Tech with Mrs Ferguson | Graphics

Today we had tech with Mrs Ferguson continuing with our games. But today we did something different. Mrs Ferguson made some bored games out of 2D and 3D shapes. The games Mrs Ferguson made was chess with big counters that took her 40 minutes to make, tic tac toe, and other games Mrs Ferguson had made to show us examples of what she did. First we had to grab a piece of paper and pencil. The piece of paper had to be in four squares. It had numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. We had to make our own games using ideas that came from our heads. We had to design our own games and things. Because next week were going to be in the process of kind of creating what our games are gonna look like using 3D or 2D shapes. The games that I did was snakes and ladders but the counters will be emojis and the dice will be a lit bit bigger than small. The second game I did was a pop tart background and a little maze inside of it. The third game I did was chess, I used the king and queen emojis and the rest of the parts were still the same. And for the last box I never did any games because their wasn't enough time left. We all needed to color in the shapes and emojis we drawed. I enjoyed making our own games on paper and creating it our selfs and using anything we wanted to be on the bored game.

Thursday, 20 June 2019


Yesterday we had a session with Chole doing some fun ballet and learning what the black swan and white swan do in their ballet choreography. What we did first was listen to some important rules and got into some warm ups. We we got to the wall we had to get into groups of six. The group that I was in had Alex, Nidhi, Matthew, Florence and I. When we got into our lines we had to put our feet together and move the left leg down and right leg was in front and one person in front will jump and then run back to our group and we did the same thing as going back to the wall on the other side. After we did that we did some stretches after we did that so that we could cool down, we did stretches with some classic music that Chole played some classic music. Everyone enjoyed Chole doing a ballet session with us. A huge thank you to Mrs Jones and Chole which was from the Royal New Zealand Ballet and Mrs Jones for organizing the ballet.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Student Led Confrence

Yesterday we had student led confrence, which means when students has to led the confrence and tell their parents what they have been doing through out the term. First I introduced my mum to Mrs Anderson and they were signing a paper for getting a swimming bag. So the first wall I started off was going to the wall that has all our space work on it and explained to my mum what we have been doing for space work. After that I showed my mum the other stuff on the wall and explained to her what we have been learning about. Later on that day I showed my mum the other stuff on the wall, then I went onto the devices and showed my mum my blog and that she commented on my reading animation that my rangitoto group created for our reading group. What I enjoyed about student led confrence was explaining to my mum the work that was on the wall.

Tech | Tamaki College

Today we went to Tamaki College for Tech with Mrs Ferguson. This friday we had tech with Mrs Ferguson contuning on with graphics. First the students in LS2 had to get into the bus so that when we get their we know whos here and whos not at Tech at Tamaki College. When we got their we got into our groups and followed Mrs Ferguson to the classroom that we've been working in. Today what we did was we got into partners and my partner was Sakina. We all got a piece of paper, then Mrs Ferguson said choose any of these games, the games were, connect the dot, tic tac toe, maze, word search and other more paper games that were listed, those were the games that you could play on paper. The games me and Sakina choose was Tic Tac Toe and hangman. We played those games on the piece of paper after we did that we had to plan out what we were doing, and how we could make it out of 3D or using plastic and wood to make our little pieces. We planned it out on a piece of paper, then we asked Mrs Ferguson for a little bit of help and get some feedback about our work.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Care Awards | Respect Student Leader

For another care award I decied to do another one so the one I did for the last activtiy I did  complete a presentation about a respected student leader. First I made a google presentation and did the title then add the head line on top then I wrote something about the student leader I was talking about, and add a image of that student leader next to the sentences  I wrote about why is that student leader respected. The student leader I did was Mele one of the head students. I did Mele because she smart and confident at the same time as well and she's a good student leader to the rest of panmure bridge school and the staff and teachers at P.B.S. I enjoyed doing this, but I think this was my hardest Care Award I did ever since I did the respect care awards. This was my last activity for the Respect award.

Care Awards | Belonging To PBS Collage

For another care award I decided to do the belonging to Panmure Bridge School collage. I made this on a google drawing and added images of belonging to Panmure Bridge School. First I made a new google drawing and went to upload images and add images of students of Panmure Bridge School. I did photos from Kiwi Can, Camp, Anget of Change, stardome trip and gymnastics. These are the images I add onto my google drawing DLO. This activity was part of the respect award, so then I picked this DLO because I found it kind of easy and hard at the same time because I needed to look for images to upload onto this DLO. I enjoyed doing this but the hard part was finding the images and doing the big art word in the center of the middle.

Friday, 7 June 2019


For the second session of Graphics we needed to finish off our toys that makes us think of our next move or what we would do next. After we did that we had to go closer to the table and see what our teacher was doing. Later on we had to draw 3D squares. When everyone drawed a few squares we had to go back to the table and listen to what we were gonna do next. What we need to do next is shading, what we had to do is get the pencil and make light, medium, and the last one was dark. What we had to do is shade in the squares we did using light, medium, and dark to colour the square in. After we did that we used the colouring pencil to shade in the squares. We kept on carrying on with what were doing then we had to get ready and pack up. I had fun today doing tech at Tamaki Collage and I loved how we were shading.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Literary Devices

Literary Devices
Here is the link to my DLO.
This week we got a challenge from our teacher Mrs Anderson to make a google doc about the words, Simile, Personification, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Metaphor, Hyperbole those were the words that we used for our DLO and we had to look for the defentions for the words, but we couldn't go off the DLO we could only use the explore bar that's always on google docs. The day that we had to finish our DLO was on thursday we needed to finish everything that was on their before we went and blogged it. We had to find the defenitions to the literary words and attribute the images from its website.This was hard because we couldn't go off our DLO and get other images from google search, but then I got use to when because it go easier at the time, and we all had a great time doing this.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Maths Problem

Currently for maths we did problem solving 10's to 100's and 100,00's. We had to make a DLO on how to add numbers from 10's to hundreds and thousands. The maths I did was 89+8, the first thing I did was spilt the number eight and see which zero number I could get to so the close number to 89 that end in a zero was 90 so I did 1 and a 7 into the boxes. I enjoyed doing adding numbers together.