
Wednesday 19 December 2018

Nelson Mandela

LI: To learn about peaceful protesters.
This week for LS1's inquiry we have been learning about protesters. The Protester that my group picked is Nelson Mandela. I chose Nelson Mandela because he made equal rights for the black africans. I worked on this with Fau and Sulia. We had to do it in front of the class to present what activist we did and we were doing research on Nelson Mandela
. It was scary at first but then I got confident to speak to the whole class because we were number 12. Fau , Sulia and I we ahd to go on his biography and read some information about Nelson Mandea and find out some information so that we could put it on our slide also we had to make a quiz about Nelson Mandela and see who gets it correct or incorrect, also we had to get more information about Nelson Mandela, also how he became a peaceful protester. I learnt how to make a google slide share it to the people that was in my group and research and read information about Nelson Mandela.

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