
Friday, 6 July 2018

Quiz Show

LI. To learn about what you have been learning from the past few weeks.

This term LS1 had to get ready for the big Quiz show that was going to happen at the end of the term. Everyone in there groups learnt about every single thing that the teacher was going to ask each question in each round. But in each round if there is five students in your group somebody has to go twice, but if there is six students then your group does not have to go twice. Mr Wong asked questions about the digestive system, respiratory system, Nervous system, Circulatory system, Mr Wong asked us any type of question. If we got it wrong than we would not get a point. The rule was if we had went closer to the table then we would give each group a point except the group that went closer to the table. This Quiz show to see if everyone could remember knowledge from the past few weeks from when we were learning about all the systems also tried to remember what we also learnt before we did this Quiz show.The first one we had to do was the Drawing. In the drawing part Mr Wong told us what to draw about the digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, and the Nervous system. In the groups one student at a time has to go once, but if there is five students in your group than go once. Mr Wong would say any category that we have to draw.The first one we had to do was the Drawing. In the drawing part Mr Wong told us what to draw about the digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, and the Nervous system. In the groups one student at a time has to go once, but if there is five students in your group than go once. Mr Wong would say any category that we have to draw.On the questing part Mr Wong asked us questions about the systems or how does animals drink water or how does animals breathe. Mr Wong would ask any questions and if you answer it then you get a point for your group. But if your group goes past the table than Mr Wong will give the other groups the point.

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